When did Scottish media become nothing but PR for Ibrox?

Can you remember the day when Scottish journalists decided just to be become public relations for the two Ibrox clubs and nothing more?

When Celtic beat Barcelona in 2012 there was praise from all over, even our own media had to admit it was a great result….for a couple of days.

Then they found some random Dutch coach who didn’t like our tactics and they ran with that to try detract what was a great night for Celtic.

Now every close season it seems to get worse, every signing Rangers make gets compared with some footballing legend.

Celtic get their “I’m here to steal your title warning” from one or more of the Sevco new boys.

The latest laughable nonsense is from Dujon Sterling who is somehow convinced Michael Beale is a genius. He says “Already on the pitch you can see his tactical brain is genius.

“I ain’t got nothing else, he’s just a genius. He goes into so much detail.”

I don’t know just speculating but maybe Dujon likes some narcotics in his spare time.

A few days back we had Keiran Dowell issuing the annual Celtic title warning from a new Sevco signing.

Sam Lammers was compared to Thierry Henry not for what he has done in his career but for a goal he scored on the training pitch!

Thank god the new season isn’t too far off when we can hit Rangers and their media chums with some reality.

Hail Hail








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